Referring to the recent hits KGF 2, RRR and Pushpa, the emcee asked Kiccha Sudeep about the trend of south films doing well at the Hindi box office. He also asked whether the actor feels his film Vikrant Rona too would manage to break records. “I hope it is that way,” he shared with a smile.
Defending Bollywood, Sudeep then went on to say, “I don’t want to say much. I also don’t want to generalise all that. There are several films that are made in the south, and not every movie does well. We cannot call it domination. There are good times for everything. If the Hindi film industry wasn’t doing great films, if it didn’t have great people, how would you sustain the industry for so many years? It’s like Virat Kohli being out of form for a while. Are you going to take away his records? It doesn’t work that way. At the end of the day, there are lots of films being made, some work, some don’t.”
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